
臺北醫學大學生醫材料暨組織工程研究所與泰國國王科技大學(King Mongkut’s University of Technology Thonburi, KMUTT)生物醫學工程研究所於2011年簽訂雙聯學制,首位參與此雙聯學制的泰國學生Vichuda Charoensaensuk於2014年2月進入本校生醫材料暨組織工程研究所,進行為期一年的學習旅程。本刊特別邀請她分享半年來,在北醫校園生活的點滴並摘錄於后。(編按)





My name is Vichuda Charoensaensuk from Thailand. I am currently a master degree student of Biological Engineering Program at King Mongkut’s University of Technology Thonburi (KMUTT). I came to know Taipei Medical University (TMU) from my adviser back in Thailand. With the cooperation between Biological Engineering Program at KMUTT and Graduate Institute of Biomedical Materials and Tissue Engineering at TMU, I have a graceful opportunity to become a part of TMU as a dual degree student under the supervision of Prof. Keng-Liang Ou.

It is my greatest pleasure to be a student of TMU, a university which ranked in the World’s QS Top 100 Life Sciences & Medicine Schools. With the up-to-date teaching materials, research facilities and research resources, TMU is one of the leading research center, especially my current laboratory, that I aim to gain an experience working here.

Not only the academic environment of TMU that impress me, but also the enjoyable various activities among international students provided in TMU that I am happy about. I had an experience to cook Thai food for TMU International Food Festival event and to teach local students how to cook Thai food in cooking club. Moreover, I am so proud of participating in Chinese language competition for international students as a singer even I have not received any award but it helps to promote my self-confident, improve my Chinese and motivate me to speak Chinese. 【圖:Vichuda Charoensaensuk】

Furthermore, people here are really nice for both local and international peeple. They are hospitable, love to help and support others. I could say that I will not be able to survive without their encouragement. However, life is not a bed of roses, communication is still a major problem of mine. I have not prepared for any Chinese beforehand. So, once I arrived here, I found myself in trouble. I have to force myself to study Chinese. Fortunately, TMU offers a Chinese class for international students which I really appreciate about it. I have learned a lot and now I can use Chinese better to survive here.

As far as I am concerned, living in Taiwan produces not much afford for me because its similarity to Thailand. Taiwanese and Thai cultures, traditions, natures, weather, are lots alike. Therefore, I could not agree more that TMU and Taiwan are my second home which I am happy and appreciate of living here under the research innovated circumstances, genial professional colleagues and friends and fantastic landscape.(文/Vichuda Charoensaensuk,口腔醫學院生醫材料暨組織工程研究所首位雙聯學位同學)

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