醫工院生醫材料暨組織工程研究所博士生Liling Delila,赴法國里爾大學攻讀雙聯學位心得分享

我是Liling Delila,是醫學工程學院生醫材料暨組織工程研究所博士候選人,現在正就讀於法國里爾大學的雙聯學位學程,目前是我最後一年的學習。



在兩個不同的實驗室領域和國家攻讀雙聯學位是個獲益良多的經驗,這是個絕佳的機會,我非常感謝這個項目以及臺北醫學大學醫學工程學院和里爾大學生物與健康科學研究所之間的合作,當然,我衷心感謝北醫大的白台瑞教授和 David Devos教授及其團隊(法國里爾的法國國家健康與醫學研究院、里爾大學醫學中心、U1172、里爾神經科學與認知中心)。

身為在兩個不同實驗室和國家(臺灣和法國)攻讀雙聯學位的學生,我有機會體驗兩種完全不同的學術和文化環境,這段學術之旅不僅為我在兩個不同的實驗室領域打下良好基礎,同時也開拓我對世界不同地區的研究方式更廣闊的視野。我們交流知識和技能,包括我在法國所學的某些技術和實驗,我把這些運用於臺灣的實驗室,反之亦然,這無疑也對我的研究和兩個實驗室都帶來好處。【左圖:Liling Delila(右)參加本校109學年度師生聯合學術研究發表會,獲得「優秀論文獎」並與林建煌校長(左)合影】




總體來說,能在這兩個機構的學習經歷讓我感到榮幸和感激,非常感謝能獲得這樣的機會,相信這對我未來的學術和專業工作有所助益。(文/ Liling Delila,醫學工程學院生醫材料暨組織工程研究所博士候選人)

My name is Liling Delila, and I am in PhD candidate at GIBMTE, CBME, and TMU. I am now enrolled in a dual degree program with ULille, France, and currently in my final year of studies.

I obtained my Bachelor’s degree in Chemistry from Indonesia and then pursued my Master’s degree in Biomedical Engineering, CBME, TMU and now pursuing my PhD at the same institution.My study in biomedical engineering has provided me with a thorough understanding of biomaterials and their various applications in regenerative medicine, as part of my research topic, including the use of platelet lysates, which contain neurotrophic factors and antioxidants, and their potential roles in neuronal healing and regeneration. In Lille, my study in neurosciences have been equally fascinating; it has opened my eyes to the intricate workings of the brain and nervous system, particularly in neurological disorders and their potential treatments.

I have also been involved in research studies using platelet-derived biomaterials and assessing their neuroprotective activity in Parkinson’s disease (PD) models, where I obtained practical expertise in some technique such as brain histology, immune-histochemistry, and rodent behavioral assessments.

Pursuing a dual degree in two separate laboratory fields and nations has been a rewarding experience. It was a really great opportunity. I am so grateful of this program and the collaboration between CBME, TMU and Graduate School of Biology and Health Sciences, ULille. Indeed, my sincere thanks to Prof. Thierry Burnouf at TMU and Prof. David Devos and his team (Inserm, CHU-Lille, U1172, Lille Neuroscience & Cognition, Lille, France),

As a student pursuing a dual degree in two different laboratories and countries, Taiwan and France, I have had the opportunity to experience two distinct academic and cultural environments. This academic journey has not only provided me with an excellent basis in two different laboratory fields, but it has also allowed me to develop a broader perspective on how research is conducted in different parts of the world. We exchanged knowledge and skills, including certain techniques and experiments I learnt in France, I transport it to Taiwan to be used in the lab here and vice versa, which for sure it benefits my research and both labs.

I have gained insight into the cultural differences in research, such as communication and work ethics, which has broadened my perspective on research. In Taiwan, I had more interactions with other fellow students, to learn and discuss together but in Lille there were more professionals and senior researchers, which pushed me to adapt and accelerate my learning abilities. Moving to a new country might be challenging, with different cultures and environment, but it has taught me to be open-minded and adaptable.

Moreover, one of the most notable benefits of taking a dual degree, especially in my case, in the fields of Biomedical Engineering and Neuroscience, It has been an opportunity to bridge the gap between each other. I have come to realize how these disciplines cross and complement one another in the context of human health and disease.

In the future, I would be interesting to work on the development of drugs or small peptides/neurotrophic factors with a new approach of delivery, to target specific regions of the brain and release drugs in a controlled manner. As there is currently no treatment for neurodegenerative diseases, this approach could be tested to treat illnesses by delivering medications that can protect neurons or induce the formation of new neurons. I have also been curious about what factors and mechanisms are involved in neurogenesis in young/adult neurons, as this is one of exiting topic conducted in Prof Thierry Burnouf’s lab where I am in.

Overall, once again I am honored and grateful for the educational experiences that I had experiences in both institutions, I am quite thankful for the opportunities I received, which I believe will be useful in my future academic and professional work. 

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