

茶會由公共事務處蘇維文處長、營養學院趙振瑞院長及印尼學生校友會盧卡斯(Adi Lukas Kurniawan)會長揭牌展開序幕,並由校友會獻牌予營養學院。會場首次採用含有深意的黃薑飯,此外,印尼學生也帶來傳統搖竹結合聲樂團的表演,加上各式印尼佳餚,為此盛會帶來充滿了印尼風味的氛圍。印尼的傳統,會在組織成立儀式中使用黃薑飯,象徵對美好未來的感恩與希望,黃薑飯是由黃色米飯堆成金字塔形,並在旁邊加上雞蛋和雞肉等配菜。【左圖:左起盧卡斯會長、趙振瑞院長及蘇維文公共事務長共同為印尼學生校友會揭牌】【右圖:左起蘇維文公共事務長、盧卡斯會長及趙振瑞院長共同開動印尼傳統的黃薑飯】







Grand Launching of Taipei Medical University–Nutrition Indonesia Alumni Association

College of Nutrition, Taipei Medical University(TMU)has launched its very first international branch of alumni association on July 23rd, 2020 in i-College TMU, Taipei, Taiwan. Taking the appellation of Taipei Medical University–Nutrition Indonesia Alumni Association(TMU-NIAA), this alumni association embraces alumni of College of Nutrition, TMU from Indonesia. The grand launching party organized by TMU-NIAA and College of Nutrition, TMU was successfully held.

TMU-NIAA was launched by Dean of Public Affairs, Dean of College of Nutrition, and President of TMU-NIAA by unveiling TMU-NIAA board, giving placard of TMU-NIAA to College of Nutrition, and take the first cut of tumpeng1. In addition, performance of angklung2 and vocal group from Indonesian students combined with the Indonesia’s cuisines effectively brought Indonesia’s atmosphere to TMU. It is Indonesia’s tradition to have Tumpeng in organization launching ceremony. It symbolizes the gratefulness and wish for the blessed future. It is consisted of pyramid-like shape of yellow rice completed with several side dishes, such as egg and chicken.

It started in 2012 when the first generation of Indonesian students came to study in School of Nutrition and Health Sciences, TMU, which at that time it was still under College of Public Health and Nutrition. Year by year, Indonesian students who came to study in College of Nutrition, TMU are rising. There are 19 Indonesian alumni who graduated from this institution; 3 alumni from doctoral program, 15 alumni from master program, and 1 alumnus from undergraduate program. Not to mention two Indonesian students who joined Taiwan Experience Education Program(TEEP)Summer Exchange and one Indonesian student has enrolled in Master Program in Graduate Institute of Metabolism and Obesity Sciences in 2019, which enlarge the Indonesian alumni number. Therefore, along with the suggestion and support from Dean of College of Nutrition, Indonesian alumni initiated this association.

Nutrition Indonesia Alumni Association holds motto “build future together through connection and collaboration” that carries meaning to strengthen and build the connection among its members as well as the relation between Indonesia alumni and College of Nutrition, TMU. The vision of TMU-NIAA includes to develop and strengthen ties between Indonesia alumni and College of Nutrition by providing diverse tangible benefits including a forum to build cooperation, sharing knowledge, network opportunities, media consultation, and communication facilities. In order to achieve that vision, TMU-NIAA is committed to provide:

1) a dynamic society for alumni to gather and develop life-long relationship among College of Nutrition, TMU and its alumni.

2) an association with strong ties to academic and research, and the ability to promote mentoring, internship, and career opportunities for students and alumni.

3) accessible and innovative promotion of the College of Nutrition’s researches in order to connect alumni and the public to cutting-edge science.

Moreover, TMU-NIAA organizes three departments to complete the mission, those are Department of Social Engagement, Department of Academic Affairs, and Department of Global Partnership. (Text/ College of Nutrition)

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